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Let's start our partner journey

We believe in the power of collaboration to spark innovation, accelerate growth, and drive success. Our tailored partnership programs are designed to cultivate synergies between TechMagic and dynamic organizations across the technology ecosystem. From visionary investors and cutting-edge ISVs to forward-thinking matchmakers and tech consultants – we forge relationships based on trust, expertise, and mutual benefit.

Our partners

Discover values tailored to your organization's type


Tech investors

At TechMagic, we offer tech investors like you an excellent opportunity to accelerate the growth of your portfolio companies and maximize your ROI.

Expert Tech Guidance

Our experienced team possesses deep knowledge in various fields. We provide your ventures with strategic advice to help them become leaders in competitive markets (such as Fintech, Healthcare, HR Tech, MarTech, and more).

Scalable Dev Resources

With TechMagic, your portfolio companies can immediately gain access to a large pool of skilled developers. This enables your investments to scale more rapidly, ensuring quicker market entry and increased value.

Future-proof Solutions

We not only address the current tech needs of your portfolio companies but also prepare them for future challenges. We prefer a forward-thinking approach to ensure your investments stay ahead and capture more market share.

Cost-Effective Growth

We understand that development costs are often the biggest expense for early-stage startups. So, we offer financial models designed specifically for your needs. This way, we maximize your investments by reducing costs without sacrificing quality or speed.

Risk Reduction

Transitioning from a startup to a market leader comes with numerous challenges. We offer our expertise in project management and product development to mitigate many typical risks, ensuring a smoother path to success for your investments.



Partnering with TechMagic means accessing top-notch system integration services that boost your product’s value and improve the customer experience.

Seamless User Experiences

We ensure your software integrates perfectly across various systems. Our services make your solutions operate without glitches, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Custom-Fit Solutions

We perfectly know that every ISV and customer is unique. That’s why our team delivers tailor-made integration services that fit your precise needs and requirements. As a result, your software works smoothly with systems your customers already use.

Fast Value Delivery

Customers reasonably expect quick improvements in their software. TechMagic’s efficient integration helps your products reach the market faster and update swiftly so users always have the latest features.

Enhanced Reliability

Your software must be reliable across different platforms. It is crucial. Our thorough integration process reduces risks and ensures consistent performance, maintaining your product's integrity and customer trust.

Optimized Performance

We don’t just integrate – we optimize how your software performs in any environment. This means faster and more efficient service for users, as well as boosting overall satisfaction with your product.


Digital transformation consultants

As a digital transformation consultant, you are the one who shapes business futures. Partner with TechMagic to implement your strategic plans effectively and turn your visions into a client's success.

Expert Implementation

TechMagic specializes in turning strategic plans into operational realities. We work seamlessly with consultants like you to implement complex digital solutions, ensuring your vision is executed flawlessly.

Time to Market

Our team is structured to move quickly and efficiently. It helps you swiftly turn digital transformation plans into action. This way, your clients achieve faster results and quicker ROI.

Reliable Delivery

We ensure that all projects meet high-quality standards and are delivered on schedule, maintaining the integrity of your consultancy and client satisfaction.

Scalable Solutions

Whether your clients are small businesses or large enterprises, TechMagic has the scalability to match. We provide solutions that can grow with your client’s needs, from pilot projects to full-scale deployments.

Extended Services

Beyond implementation, TechMagic offers ongoing support and optimization services. We ensure that the digital solutions we deploy evolve with your clients' businesses and remain effective in the long term.



Being a perfect matchmaker means using your invaluable expertise to connect businesses with the right partners. We, from our side, know how to expand your capability to offer comprehensive, technology-driven solutions to your network.

Access to Cutting-Edge Technology

You can use our extensive experience in the latest software development technologies to provide your clients with innovative and scalable solutions.

Enhanced Credibility

Our track record of successful projects and high client satisfaction rates adds a layer of trust to your recommendations. This, in turn, makes your service more attractive to potential clients.

Streamlined Collaboration

You can be confident in our commitment to transparent and seamless communication. We provide dedicated support to ensure that all projects we undertake from you are managed efficiently.

Growth Opportunities

By partnering with TechMagic, you open up new avenues for your own growth. Receive leads that were not the best for us, but might fit other partners within your ecosystem.


Referral partners

Joining our referral program offers an excellent opportunity to capitalize on your network. How does it work? Simple and plain: you help businesses achieve digital excellence and receive attractive commissions for your efforts.

Attractive Commission Rates

Earn significant returns on every successful referral with straightforward terms designed to reward your efforts and enhance your earnings potential.

Comprehensive Support

We provide all the necessary tools and resources to ensure your success as a referral partner. This includes access to marketing materials, sales support, and regular updates about our latest services and technologies, helping you stay informed and effective.

Diverse Technology Solutions

Our extensive portfolio includes specialized services in key sectors like Fintech, Healthcare, HR Tech, and MarTech. This diversity allows you to address the varied needs of your network, making it easier to find relevant opportunities for referrals.

Risk Minimization for Your Referrals

Partnering with TechMagic means offering businesses a reliable and proven technology ally. We help minimize the typical risks associated with digital projects, ensuring a smoother experience and higher satisfaction for your referrals.

Enhanced Business Credibility

Associating with a reputable company like TechMagic can improve your own business's credibility. Our strong track record and industry standing make your recommendations more compelling and trusted by potential clients.

Ready to explore partnership opportunities with TechMagic?

Fill out the contact form below, and we will reach out to you to discuss your specific needs and goals.

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What our clients say about TechMagic

Can I suggest my own partnership model?

Absolutely! If our current partnership models don't perfectly suit your needs, we're open to innovative ideas. Feel free to propose your model through our contact form below.

What does the process look like for setting up a partnership with TechMagic?

We support a variety of partnership models tailored to different business types. To start, simply fill out the contact form below. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your specific needs and outline a process that's tailored just for you.

What is the commission percentage on referrals sent & received?

Our standard commission is 5% on all closed deals, paid monthly from each invoice for the first 3 years after the project kickoff. If you have alternative terms in mind, we’re open to discussions to find a mutually beneficial agreement.

What ongoing support and resources does TechMagic provide to its partners after the initial partnership setup?

Our task is to build a long-term and transparent partnership. That's why we provide comprehensive ongoing support and resources to our partners to ensure their continued success. You get full access to our team of experts, all the advice you need, regular updates on industry trends and technologies, and opportunities to collaborate and network with other partners in our ecosystem.

Why should you partner with TechMagic?

Partnership with TechMagic means access to our expertise, scalability, and resources. We offer personalized support and a thriving ecosystem for business development. Our team consists of professionals with deep experience in various fields. We see the partnership as a cooperative relationship built on trust, transparency, and mutual benefit. That is why it is worth partnering with us.

Let’s turn ideas into action
Myro Foliush
Head of Partnerships & Alliances