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Project Discovery Phase

Maximize cost savings and enhance customer acquisition through the creation of an innovative project vision, delineation of strategic objectives, and meticulous identification of potential pitfalls associated with product launch.

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What is the discovery phase & how does it work with us?
If you have an idea 
but no product yet
If you have an idea but no product yet

If you want to build a product from scratch, our team will support you throughout all the software development stages, the first of which is called the project discovery phase. At this phase of a project, we will help you define a product concept, so our team can better understand your business goals and project scope.

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If you have an 
existing product
If you have an existing product

No matter of phase of a project if we set up a dedicated team of developers or complement your existing team, the first thing we will do is examine your product. Our project discovery team will examine your current architecture, codebase, software project, deployment approach and pipelines, project management roadmap, and of course, the vision of your product.

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What are the project discovery stages?
Business goals definition

The bedrock of any successful software endeavor lies in thoroughly comprehending its business goals. During the project discovery phase, our discovery team engages in comprehensive information gathering and analysis from user research to competitor research. This involves a deep dive into understanding the fundamental objectives that drive the project. These technical requirements must be met, the overarching scope encapsulates the project's reach, and the aspirational targets that set the bar for achievement.

Success criteria clarification

Defining success criteria is a pivotal task during the discovery phase of a software project. It involves a collaborative effort between our team, the client, end users, and all relevant stakeholders. The project discovery team goes beyond mere aspirations and translates project goals into quantifiable, measurable metrics. These metrics become the compass by which the entire project progress is navigated. By setting clear success criteria, our business analyst bridges the gap between expectations and outcomes, mitigating the potential for misalignment.

User journey mapping

Crafting exceptional user experiences hinges on our ability to empathize with end users and anticipate their interactions with the product. Through the meticulous process of user journey mapping, we visualize the entire user experience from start to finish. This includes identifying touchpoints of the target audience, pain points, and opportunities for improvement with core features. By gaining an intimate understanding of how users navigate the product, our project team lays the groundwork for user-centric design and optimization, ultimately resulting in a product that resonates deeply with its target audience.

Technical analysis

We provide functional and technical analyses of the product and then suggest relevant technologies and tools for the development. In addition, we select proper AWS services that can help secure future AWS price reductions.

Deliverables finalization

The culmination of the project discovery phase is the creation of a comprehensive set of deliverables that serve as a project roadmap for the subsequent stages. These deliverables are meticulously crafted documents that refine the insights gained during the discovery phase into actionable steps. Our project manager defines the project scope, outlines technical requirements, provides a clear understanding of achieving success criteria, and sets the trajectory for product implementation. This phase isn't just an endpoint but rather a launchpad project initiation, propelling the project into its next phase with precision and clarity.

Business goals definition
Success criteria clarification
User journey mapping
Technical analysis
Deliverables finalization
Who is involved in the process

The purpose of the project discovery phase is to create a foundation for further product development. That’s why all team members responsible for the delivery of work, from a solution architect to a UX designer, take part in the project discovery stage. Close cooperation with a client is also critical at this project discovery phase because it allows us to see the company’s big-picture goals and better understand stakeholders’ expectations. Want to talk to our experts about your product idea or other software development project needs? Don’t hesitate — we know how to get the ball rolling!

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What will you receive
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Team composition plan

A team composition plan lists the experts required to turn your idea into a functional product, considering your project requirements, project timeline and budget.

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Vision and scope document

This document outlines the scope of your project and the business context for its implementation from the planning stage.

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Technical proposal

A technical proposal recommends a tech stack that we believe best fits your project’s needs.

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Clickable UX/UI prototype

With an interactive UX/UI prototype, you can examine your future solution and provide a visualization of the product concept to stakeholders.

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High-level project plan

A high-level project plan gives you a birds’-eye view of the product development process, including the project timeline, key milestones, and resources needed at each phase of a project.

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Cost proposal with estimates

We estimate your costs based on information available to us, so you can plan your budget for software development projects.

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Why Solution Vision and Scope Document is so important

The Solution Vision and Scope Document is essential for providing clarity, aligning stakeholders, facilitating decision-making, mitigating risks, managing costs and time, and ultimately delivering a successful project that meets customer expectations. It provides:

Clarity and alignment:

The document defines a clear and concise overview of the project's vision, objectives, and scope. It ensures that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of the project's purpose and direction, which helps align efforts and minimize misunderstandings.

Stakeholder communication:

The document is a communication tool to effectively convey the project's vision to all stakeholders, including executives, team members, and external partners. It ensures everyone is on the same page and helps manage expectations throughout the project lifecycle.


By defining the scope and boundaries of the project, the document helps make informed decisions about project priorities, resource allocation, and risk management. It provides a reference point to evaluate whether proposed changes align with the project's vision and objectives.

Risk identification and mitigation:

The Solution Vision and Scope Document prompts a thorough analysis of potential risks and challenges associated with the project. By identifying these risks early on, the document enables proactive planning and implementation of mitigation strategies, reducing the likelihood of costly setbacks.

Cost and time management:

A well-defined scope outlined in the document helps prevent scope creep, where project requirements expand beyond the initial plan. By clearly defining what is included and excluded, it helps manage costs, timelines, and resource allocation more effectively.

Customer satisfaction:

A robust Solution Vision and Scope Document ensures that customer needs and expectations are properly addressed. It enables a customer-centric approach by providing a framework for understanding the value proposition, target market, and customer experience goals, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction.


Creating intelligent platform to scale eCommerce ROI

Check how we helped Acorn-i to develop a full-serverless Node.js app on AWS for heavy data analytics.

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Platform for growing Instagram account

We integrated third-party payment providers and increased the number of active users to 10,000.

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Talent screening & assessment app

We automated screening and assessment of candidates through personnel management system from the recruiter's interface

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Benefits of the Discovery Phase in Software Development Projects
Reduces uncertainty in project management

Well-executed discovery phase eliminates most of the uncertainty and reduces risks of project failure early in the initial stage of the development process.

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Aligns all members around a shared vision

The project discovery phase provides the engineering team and project manager with project goals and direction so they understand all the key drivers and see the big picture.

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Leads to better solutions in development process

The project discovery phase helps identify the best way to achieve the project’s objectives from a technical and business perspective.

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Why do we need Discovery Phase?

The project discovery phase is essential to ensure the project's success and reduce the risks of time and budget overruns. By conducting industry research and analyzing user needs, we can identify potential issues and opportunities early, resulting in a more efficient and effective development process and data-driven project expectations. It always takes place before kicking off project development. We conduct a project development plan, set a budget, and do market research to form precise project boundaries based on the collected data.

What are the deliverables of Discovery, and how long does a discovery phase take?

The project discovery phase may take 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the project scope and objectives. The deliverables of the discovery phase include a detailed project plan, user requirements specification, functional specification, business and technical requirements specifications, and a product prototype. These deliverables help to ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project goals, timelines, and budget. They also serve as a roadmap for the development team to follow during the implementation phase.

What people are involved in the discovery process?

The discovery process typically involves a cross-functional discovery team comprising business analyst, project managers, UX/UI designers, developers, and subject matter experts (SMEs) from the client's side.

How do your specialists communicate with the clients?

Communication is paramount in discovery stage. Our specialists utilize Slack for project-related discussions, ensuring efficient and real-time exchanges. For confidentiality matters in project management, we employ encrypted chats and emails, safeguarding sensitive information while maintaining effective communication channels.

Can I use the discovery phase service apart from the project development process?

Absolutely! The project discovery phase service is a standalone offering independent of any development or other company services. It's designed to provide comprehensive insights and strategies, even if you're not following subsequent development with us.

What are the steps in project discovery?

Project discovery encompasses several key steps: 1. Research: We gather comprehensive information about your business goals, technical requirements, and desired outcomes. 2. Definition: Clear project objectives and success criteria are established. 3. Analysis: We assess technical possibilities, risks, and opportunities. 4. Design: Initial concepts and strategies are outlined. 5. Documentation: Findings are compiled into actionable deliverables that guide future steps in project planning.

What is the discovery phase of the lifecycle?

The project discovery phase is the preliminary stage of a project where in-depth research and planning occur. It involves defining project scope, goals, requirements, and success criteria. This phase of a project sets the foundation for the entire project, ensuring alignment with stakeholders and minimizing risks.

What is the discovery phase of the Scrum project?

In Scrum, the discovery phase is synonymous with the "Sprint 0" or "Iteration 0." It involves activities like the initial planning stage, assembling the team from project manager to engineer, business analyst to security expert, setting up the development environment, and clarifying project details. This phase establishes the groundwork for subsequent sprints and ensures a smooth start to the project software development.

What are the roles of the discovery phase?

The discovery phase serves several critical roles:
  • Clarity: It clarifies project objectives, scope, and success criteria.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential challenges early, it allows for proactive risk management
  • Alignment: Stakeholders get on the same page with the development team regarding project goals and expectations.
  • Efficiency: Clear planning minimizes rework and wasted efforts before project management.
  • Foundation: It lays the foundation for successful project execution by providing a well-defined roadmap.
Let’s turn ideas into action
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development