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Digital Wallet Development Service

We provide a full spectrum of digital crypto wallet development services, from idea to realization. The TechMagic team uses industry expertise and a personalized approach to develop a crypto wallet for each client. We integrate advanced security features to protect your crypto wallets and transactions. In addition, we offer ongoing support and updates to keep your digital crypto wallet at the forefront of technology.

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Digital Wallet Development Services

Our end-to-end secure crypto wallet development service guarantees your privacy, keeps your funds safe from illegal access, processes transfers seamlessly, and stores your private transaction keys securely. We also provide custom features tailored to your specific needs as well as ensure compliance with the latest industry standards.

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Digital Wallet Development Services We Provide:
Web3 Wallet Development

As a cryptocurrency wallet development company, we create Web3 wallets that access points for, handle the assets independently, and store for dApps on various chains. We develop it for purchasing and selling NFTs, using DeFi applications, and managing tokens on the Ethereum, Solana, and Algorand networks. Digital and crypto wallets developed by TechMagic handle assets independently and securely store them. Additionally, we design Web3 wallets to ensure a seamless user experience and robust security.

DeFi Wallet Development

Delivering DeFi digital and crypto wallet development service, we implement specialized decentralized solutions, taking care of a set of features and managing entire DeFi systems. We advance your company's operations and keep you one step ahead of the competition with the DeFi system's capabilities. Our DeFi wallet developers work on seamless integration with smart contracts, enabling automated and trustless transactions. Smart contracts play a crucial role in DeFi ecosystems as they facilitate various financial activities such as lending, borrowing, and decentralized exchanges. TechMagic engineers use this technology to create transparent, secure, and efficient solutions. We create wallets that support seamless integration with various DeFi protocols. This allows wallet users everywhere to participate in yield farming, staking, and liquidity mining. Additionally, we ensure robust security and user-friendly interfaces to enhance the overall wallet user experience.

NFT Wallet Development

We ensure a scalable non-fungible token wallet platform structure for your product to be readily integrated at any time. We entail creating a structured storage platform or storage management compatible, cross-chain and crypto exchange API systems. Our development services also include robust security features to protect your digital assets and seamless support for a wide variety of NFTs. We create custom NFT and crypto wallet development solutions as well to meet your unique project needs and industry requirements. This allows for sufficient flexibility and scalability for future growth.

White Label Crypto Wallet Development

We adapt and customize white-label crypto wallets created by third parties. Our skilled developers assist you in expanding your presence in the mobile cryptocurrency wallet development market with high-grade security protections so your customers may earn, transfer, and manage virtual currency. Our white label solutions are flexible to seamlessly integrate with various blockchain networks and existing systems. This way, your crypto wallet development solution can scale and adapt as the cryptocurrency market evolves. We use advanced security features such as biometric authentication, two-factor authentication, and encryption to make your crypto wallet more protected and reliable.

Web and Mobile Wallets Development

As a top blockchain technology and wallet development company, we create user-friendly and supporting on-the-go transaction wallets for iOS and Android operating systems. Your clients can access the cryptocurrency wallet app with authentication-based log-ins and encryption and receive and store virtual money, making it simple to send payments anywhere. Such a solution can become a reliable platform for managing and controlling cryptocurrency transactions. We ensure that web and mobile wallets integrate advanced security measures. Therefore, users' data and assets are securely protected.

Multi-Currency Wallet Development

There are many exchange platforms, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin, to create multi cryptocurrency wallet app. We are skilled in creating multi-cryptocurrency wallets for all platforms that facilitate transactions, store and exchange several currencies, and increase trading diversity. We provide seamless integration with various blockchain networks and exchange platforms, so your users can easily trade different currencies. We build cryptocurrency wallet development solutions with user needs in mind, so we implement advanced security features such as biometric authentication and encrypted private keys to protect crypto assets. In addition, our crypto wallets offer real-time transaction tracking and user-friendly interfaces, making it easy for users to navigate crypto wallet transactions and efficiently manage their cryptocurrencies.

Multisig Wallet

We provide comprehensive multisig wallet development services. Such solutions require multiple approvals for transactions, which provides a new level of security and shared control. This is one of the most efficient options for corporate accounts, joint ventures, and escrow services. TechMagic developers can implement multisig wallets using smart contracts, especially on platforms like Ethereum, where the logic of requiring multiple signatures is coded into the contract itself. Such solutions reduce the risk of theft or loss since multiple private keys are needed to authorize transactions.

ZKP wallet

KP wallets leverage zero-knowledge-proof cryptography to enhance privacy and security in cryptocurrency transactions. This cryptographic method ensures that sensitive transaction details, such as amounts and wallet addresses, remain confidential. This is particularly important for users and businesses that require a high level of privacy. We develop ZKP wallets that allow you to verify transactions without revealing sensitive information. They are suited for privacy-focused users and enterprises who need robust protection. You can rely on TechMagic expertise to implement a ZKP wallet that safeguards your digital assets while maintaining complete privacy.

Web3 Wallet
DeFi Wallet
NFT Wallet
White Label Crypto Wallet
Web and Mobile Wallets
Multi-Currency Wallet
Multisig Wallet
ZKP wallet
Industry recognition
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Integrations we build

We build various integrations, depending on your business needs and geolocation. The most frequently requested are:


Our Development Stack

React Native
React Native

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We cover all needs of digital wallet development:

Discovery and prototyping

Web and mobile development

UX/UI design


Quality assurance

Crypto wallet security

Discovery phase, prototyping, 
and project scoping
Discovery phase, prototyping, and project scoping

We thoroughly examine the project and market research to identify its goals and product strategy with business and technical reports. It includes project costs, timeline, functions, specifications, and tech stack. Our careful approach and expertise are what distinguish us from other cryptocurrency wallet development companies.

Comprehensive approach
Comprehensive approach

In the prototyping process, we create detailed mockups and interactive prototypes to visualize the final product and improve its functionality. We clearly define all aspects of development in project scoping, which helps align expectations and achieve a successful outcome. As an experienced crypto wallet development company, we use this thorough approach to create a solid foundation for further development, reduce risks, and effectively optimize resources.

Robust web and mobile application development
Robust web and mobile application development

Web development in TechMagic involves programming based on the UI components and interface styles from design. We create scalable and easy-to-use applications for your customers with mobile app development services.

Scalability and flexibility
Scalability and flexibility

In the case of digital and crypto wallet development projects, we use industry best practices and pay special attention to security. We also ensure that the solution meets strict regulatory requirements. As a result of the crypto wallet development process, clients get flexible, secure, and easy-to-use digital and crypto wallets. Each feature is future-proof and adjusted to the needs of a specific client.

Creation of intuitive, user-oriented design
Creation of intuitive, user-oriented design

Here, we start with designing user interface frameworks and wireframes from scratch, considering the visual design and user situations. It leads to ready-to-go prototyping, graphic components, a roadmap, and a screen-switching scheme.

Iterative process
Iterative process

By using an iterative design in the digital and crypto wallet development process, we can ensure that every aspect of the user experience is carefully planned and thought out. You get intuitive interfaces that resonate with your target audience. In addition, we conduct user testing and feedback sessions to improve and optimize the design of your digital or crypto wallet app. This ensures that it effectively meets your users' specific needs and expectations.

Best practices for continuous deployment
Best practices for continuous deployment

Providing cryptocurrency wallet development services, we master your blockchain storage and handle structured and unstructured data to scale out of data sharing across a network. Our DevOps backup, test, and rollout for top-notch automation.

Seamless integration
Seamless integration

Our team uses continuous integration tools to streamline code changes, enabling faster and more reliable deployments. In addition, we implement complex monitoring systems to quickly identify and solve any problems. Our approach includes adherence to strict security protocols to protect your digital assets and maintain data integrity throughout the deployment process.

Automated tests and reduced risk factor
Automated tests and reduced risk factor

Being a leading crypto wallet development company, we always carry out comprehensive QA testing as part of our ongoing data-derived validation process to ensure the product is ready to market. We implement automated testing frameworks to quickly identify and fix bugs. Our continuous integration and deployment pipelines include rigorous quality checks to maintain high-quality standards.

Thorough security assessments
Thorough security assessments

We conduct thorough security assessments to reduce potential vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of your digital assets. Such a comprehensive approach allows us to guarantee the quality, safety, and reliability of the final digital product.

Ensured compliance, data protection, and penetration testing
Ensured compliance, data protection, and penetration testing

TechMagic specialists take full responsibility for platform and data security for secure and open payment transactions. We manage both private and public keys, multi-factor authentication, data encryption, KYC verification, and crypto wallet backup.


Our team performs regular penetration testing to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. We adhere to the highest standards of pen testing, combining it with attention to all the unique features of your crypto and wallet apps.

Regulatory compliance
Regulatory compliance

All digital financial products are subject to complex laws and regulations. That is why we also ensure compliance with international security standards and regulations to protect user data and maintain trust. Finally, our continuous monitoring systems quickly detect and respond to any security threats, protecting your assets 24/7.

Our Approach

At TechMagic, we believe that not only high-tech but personalized solutions can meet the unique needs of each client. That's why our approach to cryptocurrency wallet app development is focused on understanding your specific requirements and providing custom digital wallet development services that meet your business goals.

Our Approach

Personal consultation

We start with a detailed consultation to understand your vision, goals, and requirements. Analyzing information about your business is valuable for developing truly effective solutions. It is also vital in optimizing costs.


Deep understanding of your business objectives

We collect insights about your business processes and customize our services according to your specific needs.


Custom crypto wallet development solutions

Our team of experienced developers designs and implements special features so that your digital wallet is not only secure, but also has an edge over the competition. We focus on scalability, performance and user experience. This allows us to offer you a solution that grows with your business.


Flexible and adaptable development process

Business needs can change, and this is especially true of financial digital solutions and crypto wallets, particularly. That is why we offer flexible and adaptive development processes that allow you to respond quickly and efficiently to changes. Whether you need to change strategies or incorporate new features, our team is ready to customize and offer the best possible solution.


Collaborative crypto wallet development process

We actively practice transparent and open communication with clients. This is the only way to stay on the same page and understand the unique requirements of the business. Regular updates, feedback sessions, and transparent communication ensure that the final product perfectly meets your expectations.


Continuous support

Our commitment does not end with the deployment of your digital wallet. At your request, we can provide ongoing support and updates. We are open to long-term cooperation to support the product and implement the necessary improvements.

Our Approach

What our clients say about TechMagic

Why TechMagic
Years of relevant experience in crypto wallet development
Years of relevant experience in crypto wallet development

Our experts have enormous experience in safe, quick, and reliable development. With expertise, we offer unique solutions taking the customer's business culture and requirements into account and the most cutting-edge and effective technologies. Over many years of working on crypto wallet development, we have honed our skills to eliminate everything superfluous and be flexible enough to deliver results that meet the business goals of each client. As a digital and crypto wallet development company, we've cut our teeth adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our track record of successful projects proves our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

High-security standards
High-security standards

As a digital wallet app development company, we create transparent and safe solutions. Our experienced specialists are aware of the security risks and regulatory requirements necessary to prevent money laundering and protect user data. We implement advanced encryption techniques to protect confidential information and ensure data integrity. Our compliance with international regulatory standards such as GDPR and AML further increases your crypto wallet reliability. TechMagic custom approach also applies to security: your crypto wallet may require additional security measures based on its unique features. We know how to ensure it. In addition, we constantly update our security protocols to stay ahead of new threats and maintain the highest level of protection.

Cost efficiency
Cost efficiency

At TechMagic, we provide cost-effective, quality, and innovative FinTech services for clients' business needs. There are several pricing models we offer: dedicated team, fixed price and R&D center.


Cooperation models

By choosing the model that best suits your project and budget, you can significantly save money, time, and resources on developing a digital wallet.


Dedicated Team

Our dedicated team model allows you to hire a tailored group of experts working exclusively on your project. You get full access to their expertise and specialized skills.


Fixed Price

The fixed price model is ideal for projects with clearly defined requirements and budgets, providing transparency and predictability in costs.


R&D Center

Finally, our R&D center model supports clients looking for continuous innovation and development. It offers flexibility and access to cutting-edge technology.

How much does research and crypto wallet development cost??

Digital wallet development service price depends on the client’s needs, including complexity and the solution development process time. Also, the features you seek in a wallet application will determine how a cryptocurrency wallet is developed. The cost of cryptocurrency wallet development services can also vary depending on project scope. For example, the cost of a basic digital or bitcoin wallet development, with limited features will be significantly less than complex mobile or web wallets, with advanced features such as multi-currency support and NFT integration.

What is digital wallet development?

Crypto wallet app development is a type of wallet creation for cryptocurrencies. There are so many new cryptocurrencies, so a cryptocurrency wallet is a must-have. Consumers can access various currencies through a single, user-friendly platform, transfer and receive digital currency, and check their balances.

What types of crypto wallets can TechMagic develop?

As an experienced crypto wallet development company, we specialize in developing a wide range of digital and crypto wallet development solutions, including Web3 wallets, DeFi wallets, multi-currency wallets, etc. Our expertise covers both web wallet and mobile wallet development.

How long does it take to develop a custom crypto wallet?

The development timeline for digital and crypto wallet depends on the complexity of the project, the features required, and the client's specific needs. We can provide a detailed timeline after the consultation.

What security measures does TechMagic implement to protect digital wallets?

Security is our top priority. We implement advanced security measures such as multi-factor authentication, data encryption, secure management of public and private keys, and regular penetration testing.

What about regulatory compliance?

We pay special attention to ensuring compliance with international security standards and regulations, such as GDPR and AML. This way, our cryptocurrency wallet developers protect user data and maintain trust. Our continuous monitoring systems quickly detect and respond to any security threats, ensuring the safety of your digital assets 24/7.

Let’s turn ideas into action
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development