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Mobile App Development Services

From concept to launch and beyond, TechMagic transforms your vision into a fully functional and user-friendly app. As a mobile app development company, we help startups and enterprises design and build high-responsive digital products, enabling seamless user experiences in mobile applications

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How does our team approach mobile development?

Besides providing web app development services, we develop hybrid mobile apps using React Native, a cross-platform app development framework. We create a single codebase for building native mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms, allowing faster time to market.

Our mobile app development experts analyze your project requirements and recommend innovative technical solutions to achieve your goals. During the development process, we examine your business and offer ways to improve the product and create a smooth user experience.

We build hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid Mobile App Development 
starting with IOS

Hybrid Mobile App Development starting with IOS

Delivering custom mobile app development services, we take advantage of the variety of device features available on the iOS platform to create custom hybrid applications that boost the user experience. Whether you have a great idea for an all mobile app solutions, or need an existing concept refined into something truly amazing, we can help. Our mobile app developers deliver results that meet both your and your client's expectations.

  • 001
    Our team constantly explores new technologies to enhance your project
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    We combine clean code with a transparent development process
Hybrid Mobile App Development 
starting with Android

Hybrid Mobile App Development starting with Android

We use the latest Android development tools to develop hybrid apps. We’re fluent in device functionality and integrate features into Android apps that deliver superior user experiences. As a mobile app development company, we bring your design ideas to life and suggest additional innovations and unique concepts to create seamless applications that address your needs.

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    We adopt a user-centric design approach
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    Our developers have built some of the top apps on Google Play
Our magic mobile app development services include:
Mobile app consulting

Our skilled UI/UX designers create visually captivating and user-friendly interfaces. During mobile app development process, we pay meticulous attention to user experience, ensuring that every tap and swipe feels intuitive and delightful. Our designs seamlessly merge form and function, enhancing user engagement and retention. With us, your mobile app will not only work flawlessly but also look stunning.

Mobile app design

Our skilled UI/UX designers create visually captivating and user-friendly interfaces. During mobile app development process, we pay meticulous attention to user experience, ensuring that every tap and swipe feels intuitive and delightful. Our designs seamlessly merge form and function, enhancing user engagement and retention. With us, your mobile app will not only work flawlessly but also look stunning.

Mobile app integration

Our mobile app integration services ensure your app seamlessly collaborates with third-party platforms, APIs, and data sources. We bring together the elements that enhance your app's functionality, whether it's integrating payment gateways, social media platforms, or complex databases.

Testing and QA

Our dedicated testing and QA team rigorously assesses your app to identify and rectify any bugs, glitches, or performance issues. We leave no stone unturned, conducting exhaustive testing on various devices and under different conditions to ensure your app is bulletproof. Your mobile app will earn a stellar reputation for reliability and performance.

Maintenance and support

Our commitment to your app's success doesn't end at launch; it's an ongoing partnership. We provide the safety net your mobile app needs to thrive. We proactively monitor your app's performance, ensuring it runs smoothly and stays up-to-date with the latest OS and device changes. When issues arise, our expert team is at your service, ready to tackle any challenges. With our comprehensive maintenance and support, your app remains in peak condition, keeping users happy and your brand reputation intact.

Mobile app modernization

We assess your app's performance, security, and user experience, pinpointing areas that require enhancement. Whether it's updating the user interface, adding new features, or optimizing the app for the latest devices, our experts implement a modernization strategy for you.

Backend & Infrastructure

We are big fans of JavaScript app development and mainly use Node.js and Express.js for the backend of our projects. With extensive knowledge and experience in building applications, we can integrate third-party services and APIs and build real-time features. We also have expertise in building cloud architecture. We have mobile application development experience integrating payment services like Stripe. TechMagic mobile app developers use AWS infrastructure for complex projects and Firebase for MVPs. We work with server-side databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and DynamoDB.


Our projects use various database setups, depending on your technical needs and architecture. We incorporate leading database technologies, take resiliency and scalability very seriously, and can implement the full scope of real-time and offline features needed for your application. We use SQLite, Core Data, Room, Realm, MongoDB Mobile, and others. Providing mobile app development services, we pay great attention to the latest DB technologies. All our experts adhere to high-security standards.

Mobile app consulting
Mobile app design
Mobile app integration
Testing and QA
Maintenance and support
Mobile app modernization
Backend & Infrastructure

Join our 200+ satisfied clients

and leverage our industry-leading expertise to stay ahead of the curve in the fast-moving digital landscape!

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years on the market


happy clients


client NPS


Building a micro-investment app for an Australian fintech company

Check how we helped Bamboo to get a 700% increase in active users due to new features

Case study

Building mobile app for e-scooter company in Europe

Discover how we built a full-serverless scooter management app for Etergo.

Case study

Developing a matching application for tennis players

TechMagic optimised the performance of the platform saving time for clubs to organise tennis competitions

View website
Types of Apps we build
Enterprise Mobility apps
Healthcare & Insurance apps
Banking & Finance apps
Entertainment & Social Media apps
Mobile banking, billing apps, wallets
Patient and hospital apps
Telehealth apps
Messaging and VoIP apps
IPTV and SVOD apps
mCommerce apps
Field service and mobile BI
Booking and ticketing apps
Augmented reality apps
Lending apps
Insurance apps
Investment apps
Enreach your App with Trendy features

Staying relevant and competitive requires more than just an app; it demands a toolbox of cutting-edge features. Here's a closer look at the innovative capabilities we offer to enhance your mobile app functionality:

Geolocation management
Geolocation management
Messaging and voice/video calling
Messaging and voice/video calling
Multi-device synchronization
Multi-device synchronization
Voice recognition and recording
Voice recognition and recording
Immersive experience
Immersive experience
Scheduling and booking
Scheduling and booking
User experience personalization
User experience personalization
Image recognition
Image recognition
QR code scanning
QR code scanning
Push notifications
Push notifications
Integration with wearables and smart TV
Integration with wearables and smart TV
Interaction with IoT-enabled mobile devices devices
Interaction with IoT-enabled mobile devices devices
Mobile business intelligence
Mobile business intelligence

What our clients say about TechMagic

Cooperation models

Dedicated Team

A dedicated team cooperation model is often preferred by clients who seek a high degree of involvement and control over their project. We assembles a dedicated mobile app developers and other specialist with the required skills and expertise specifically for the client's project. This team works exclusively on the client's project, becoming an integral part of the client's business.


Fixed Price

Under this model, a clear and detailed project scope is defined, along with a predetermined fixed budget. The client and mobile app development partner agree on the deliverables and price before work begins, providing clients with a firm understanding of costs and project expectations.


R&D Center

The R&D Center cooperation model is particularly suitable for clients seeking innovation and long-term partnerships. In this model, TechMagic establishes a dedicated research and development center specifically for the client. It's an excellent choice for businesses looking to outsource non-core R&D activities while maintaining strategic control.

Why TechMagic
All-in-one product development
All-in-one product development

We cover the entire software product development process and provide support services afterward within the quality management system. Technical expertise allows us to cover full-cycle development, incorporating business vision at every project stage. Our experience in multiple industries makes TechMagic a reliable partner for software development outsourcing resulting in the commercial success of your product.

High-quality software with ongoing support
High-quality software with ongoing support

As a software product development company, we create high-quality products starting from PoC or MVP development for testing your product idea to building complex enterprise software. We ensure the digital health of software solutions by providing ongoing automated testing of product features.

Innovative solutions
Innovative solutions

We discover market trends to offer the most cost-efficient solution. Our web application development services it's not just about software engineering. It's about finding the right technology stack for your business needs and developing future-proof custom software development solutions. Custom software development backed by market research, strategy consulting, project management, and agile development process.

Is it worth hiring a mobile app development company?

Hiring a mobile app development company is often worth it for the expertise, time efficiency, quality assurance, cost savings, and long-term support they offer. However, the decision depends on your project's scope, budget, and in-house expertise.

What are mobile app development services?

Mobile app development services encompass consultation, planning, UI/UX design, mobile application development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and marketing for mobile applications. They are provided by development companies to create, launch, and support mobile apps on various platforms.

How much does it cost to build a mobile app?

The cost of building a mobile app can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app, its features, the location of the development team, and the level of expertise required. For a simple app with basic features, costs can start at a few thousand dollars. More complex apps with advanced functionality can cost tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. High-end or enterprise-level apps can require even larger budgets, sometimes exceeding a million dollars.

Which types of mobile applications can you develop?

Our team of experienced app developers prefers and has a deep understanding of React Native and can develop robust, scalable, and high-performance applications for both iOS/ Android platforms. With React Native, we can develop a wide range of mobile applications, including E-commerce applications, social networking and healthcare apps, finance and banking applications, educational, travel and tourism applications, entertainment applications, and so on. We can also develop custom applications tailored to your specific business needs. Our mobile app developer follows industry best practices and uses the latest tools and technologies to deliver high-quality and user-friendly applications that meet your business goals. Additionally, we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your application remains up to date and continues to meet your business needs.

How can you ensure smooth app performance during a high user load?

To ensure smooth app performance during high user load, we employ a scalable architecture, load testing, caching and database optimization, content delivery networks (CDN), and real-time monitoring. By using these techniques, during mobile app development process we can identify and address performance issues proactively and ensure that the application remains performant and responsive even under a high user load on mobile devices.

Do you have experience with payment gateway integration in mobile apps?

As a company providing fintech development services, we have extensive experience integrating payment gateways into mobile applications. Our mobile app developer has integrated various payment gateways, such as PayPal or Stripe. You can check out the related case study and learn how we built Bamboo - a micro-investment app.

What do you do to keep my business data secure? Do we sign an NDA for my project?

Yes, we sign an NDA before each project initiation to keep your business information and trade secrets confidential. In this agreement, we write out what measures we undertake to ensure data security, what information we may operate with for the project purposes, and who is authorised to use the data.

How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

The length of the mobile app development process is influenced by several variables, including the team's composition, the peculiarities of the system design, the features needed, etc. Contact us if you already have an understanding of the software you require. As a mobile app development company, we will be happy to arrange a call to evaluate the project's complexity and give you an idea of its delivery timeline and price.

Let’s turn ideas into action
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development