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Top 5 Enterprise Application Development Trends To Employ

Oleg Dats
Co-Founder & CEO at TechMagic. Leading a full-stack development company that scales engineering teams and builds software products from scratch. Passionate about AI and innovations.
Top 5 Enterprise Application Development Trends To Employ

Through evolving technology, modern enterprises are constantly seeking new opportunities and growth. Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship are paving the way for companies to develop software to streamline operations, improve productivity and ultimately foster genuine market impact.

As a company investing in enterprise application development, you can cultivate substantial financial potential.

In this article, you’ll explore enterprise app development. You will also gain insight into the popular technologies for enterprise application development which can help serve clients and customers and reach a bigger audience.

Enterprise software

The global enterprise software market has endured significant growth over the last few years and 2023 sets to continue the trend. According to data by Statista, enterprise software spending is estimated to reach 672 billion U.S. dollars (an 11% increase in 2021) with revenue for this year predicted at around 243.3 billion U.S. dollars.

IT spendings on enterprise software worldwide

As mentioned earlier, businesses benefit from using enterprise development, taking advantage of organizational efficiencies, reduced costs, and process optimization.

Enterprises are looking to meet objectives such as increasing efficiency and collaboration and enhancing customer engagement and experiences through speed and scalability to deliver a more successful product or service. Designed to integrate and connect with other enterprise apps, they help companies support all other areas of the business. Some may be cloud-based, others may be on-premise software and some may even be hybrid.

What is enterprise software?

Enterprise software forms an essential part of any enterprise, whether it is an SME, self-employment business, or entrepreneurship. It helps these established, large-scale businesses manage internal processes. These organizations have a large number of employees working in a wide range of roles and consequently, a large volume of data and data flow is required for day-to-day operations.

As noted by Wikipedia: Enterprise software, also known as enterprise application software (EAS), is computer software used to satisfy the needs of an organization rather than individual users.
What is enterprise software

They are essentially computer-based business tools that make up an enterprise’s core services, including production management, procurement, accounting as well as the customer database.

The most common types of enterprise apps used across a variety of industries include:

  • Automated billing systems
  • Business intelligence
  • Call center and customer support
  • Content management
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) email marketing systems
  • Enterprise application integration (EAI)
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Enterprise search
  • HR management
  • Marketing automation
  • Messaging and collaboration systems
  • Payment processing
  • Project management tools

Examples of enterprise apps

Enterprise apps are either bespoke and custom-built or available as off-the-shelf software. So you have the opportunity to look for an existing application that may fit your business needs. Alternatively, you have the option to build a tailored app.

Examples of enterprise app

There is already a wide range of apps available that fall into the former category, i.e. apps that currently are on the market.  

Here are 5 of the most well-known examples:

  1. Salesforce – a customer relationship management platform that helps marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams work as one. With over 150,000 Salesforce customers worldwide, including multinational companies, such as Toyota and Canon, almost a third of its clients come from the professional services industry.
  2. Microsoft Office 365 – a subscription-based evolution of Microsoft Office including cloud-based productivity tools. Over a million firms worldwide use Office 365 and, as it continues to innovate, more users are adopting SharePoint to leverage content experiences.
  3. Slack - a messaging app for business that connects people to the information they need, enabling people to work as one unified team. Its popularity can be demonstrated by the fact that 43% of its 156,000 paying customers are Fortune 100 businesses, i.e. top 100 companies in the United States.
  4. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - cloud computing products and services. AWS provides servers, storage, networking, remote computing, email, mobile development, and security. AWS boasts more than 1 million active users, 10% of whom are enterprise-scale customers, and the rest are made up of small and medium-sized firms.
  5. HubSpot - online marketing automation software with tools and integrations for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service. More than 135,000 customers in over 120 countries use HubSpot, generating revenue of over 1.3 billion in U.S dollars in 2021.

Features of modern enterprise applications

Features of modern enterprise apps

Critical elements to consider when planning to design a modern enterprise application include the following:


Most organizations reengineer their automation in order to maintain competitiveness in a rapidly moving business environment. Michael Hammer stated in his Reengineering Work: Don't Automate Obliterate (Harvard Business Review, July 1990), suggesting that businesses should be re-engineered – using the power of information technology to break away from outdated rules and radically redesign business processes to accomplish dramatic improvements in their performance. Nowadays this approach became a must.

Cutting edge technology

Technological innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have already become part of everyday business processes. However, new technological advancements will propel future business growth.

cutting edge technologies

Forbes Technology Council has identified a number of future innovations listed below:

  1. Homomorphic encryption
  2. 3D Multi-Sensor Transmitters
  3. Robotics
  4. IoT, 5G, And Edge Computing
  5. At-Home Digital Diagnostics
  6. Conversational AI
  7. Augmented Reality
  8. Rapid Virus Testing
  9. Quantum Computing
  10. Password-less Authentication
  11. AR/VR In Real Estate And Construction
  12. Always-On Connectivity Nanotechnology

Data management

Enterprise data management (EDM) whereby organizations are able to define, integrate, retrieve and govern data facilitates the provision of accurate, timely, and secure data. Compliance is paramount and so by ensuring the availability of high quality, accurate and secure data you are safeguarding it for improved efficiency. Clear location and easy access to relevant and well-governed data make analysis more efficient. Thereby, an effective data management strategy not only allows data leverage but improves decision making.

Adopting new technologies

The functionality and compatibility of applications must continue to evolve in alignment with technology. App development that creates an interface with or is updated to emerging technologies will reduce development time in the future.
With the incredible speed at which industry moves, it is difficult to define which technologies they will be. You may not be ready to adopt the cutting-edge technology mentioned above right away, but you definitely should be prepared to add them as the app evolves.

However, in the short term, they could perhaps include automation and edge computing. The impact of automation will undoubtedly build more streamlined processes and improved workflows. Edge computing is more likely to influence how data is accessed, used, and leveraged in business growth opportunities.

Mobile app security

Enterprise application security is critical in today’s business environment. Website browser and server threats endanger the app’s safety and therefore, security should always be a top priority.

More so, as far as desktop computers and laptops are often given to the employee by the employer, they expectedly have a higher level of security. The mobile version of the enterprise app, on the other hand, can be commonly used on personal mobile devices, which gives the malware software more entry points, as the level of security of personal devices is significantly lower.

Organizations are vulnerable from different angles and the types of threats that pose damaging repercussions can take the form of:

  1. Device-specific threats
  2. Network-specific threats
  3. User-specific threats
  4. App-specific threats

Preventative measures which exercise strong enterprise application security would comprise:

  1. Educating the workforce
  2. Implementing restricted access
  3. Enforcing robust user authentication
  4. Data encryption

Education documentation

An enterprise app should have accessible programs with clear and concise information to help guide employees and customers on processes, codes, and steps to take in troubleshooting. Complete and comprehensive documentation of the app in terms of how it was built and how it functions should be provided by the development company.

Challenges of enterprise application development

Areas of the business, such as planning, human resource management, accounting, etc, do require constant and proper coordination. That is why managers are placing greater reliance on special enterprise applications that are able to link all areas into just one system.

challenges of enterprise application development

However, there are obstacles that have to be overcome in enterprise software development. As the lifeblood of modern business, enterprise applications can be complex in nature - tailored to individual business needs, linked to one another, and sharing data across the business. Needless to say, with every successful project comes invaluable experience, but more testing scenarios are ones that need to be shared to help provide solutions and prevent repetition.

Enterprise application development presents many challenges, a few of which are:

Need to respond to changes quickly

Changes take place constantly in the global business ecosystem, whether they are small technical transformations or immense economic disruptions. New requirements or new workflows arise, thereby making it difficult for the developers.

Flexibility and the ability to respond to changes immediately are crucial in the development of enterprise applications. Adapting to a changing business environment in methodology and attitude can be achieved through a clear focus on growth and development with a systematic approach.


Sensitive data moves across multiple on-premise and cloud applications on a daily basis. As it does so, it becomes increasingly vulnerable - Comparitech’s 2021 cybersecurity report highlighted the incremental increases in vulnerabilities in the previous 3 years: 17,252 in 2018 to 17,382 in 2019 before rising to 18,362 in 2020.

Sensitive business data is necessary for your company to function. Cyber attacks can cost a large company millions of dollars and threaten bankruptcy for medium and small-sized companies. The protection of such data from cyber-attacks means that you need to be extra vigilant and cautious about securing your corporate and customer data. Confidential data access restrictions, anti-malware and authorization tools, data encryption, data backup, and the use of hack detection tools provide some cyber-attack prevention measures.

Large volumes of data

Global organizations process, store and analyze large quantities of data, whether locally on internal servers or in the cloud. Therefore, managing the data effectively is a challenge – locating data and justifying its purpose can be difficult, not to mention the fact that maintenance, network, and storage costs can mount up. Locating and rationalizing the organization’s data properly while narrowing down the data sources are essential, but tough. This can all be remedied with a cloud solution that offers storage, security, mobility, and maintenance.

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Changing technology

Technology is constantly evolving. It advances at a fast pace that mobile apps may need fundamental changes due to broader technology changes.
This is where future-proofing can help your business going forward. Keeping up to date with technological advancements and anticipating the changes with deep insights into the latest developments and trends is vital to ensure effective enterprise web app development.

Integration with other systems

Businesses use multiple applications simultaneously and it is important to establish and maintain system interaction and integration. This assures performance optimization and the assessment of relevant real-time information.
Monolithic systems are still adopted by many organizations whereby functionality components such as data processing, input and output, error handling, and user interface are all interlaced – they do not contain distinguishable mechanisms. This results in integration issues.

Enterprise applications development should accordingly set integration aspects from the outset or cultivate an ERP system with expansion potential opportunities.

In today’s business landscape most businesses are transferring to digital platforms where they are better able to perform essential functions and maintain their customer network. However, the fast pace of emerging technologies and innovations has an impact on application development trends, which are constantly changing as a result. For example, the latest design could actually be obsolete within a year. Organizations need to be able to bring about growth, administer digitalization and accomplish efficiency. Businesses also need to stand out from the competition.

In a very competitive world, there is a greater need to stay relevant. In a digital capacity, tailored software solutions can ensure clients are offered unique features and services. What will that look like in 2023? Well, read on as the top 5 application development trends for this year are revealed.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

As a crucial component in the digital transformation of businesses, the ultimate objective of artificial intelligence is to replicate human intelligence in machines. Companies such as Amazon, Google, Apple, and IBM invest heavily in AI.

  • Artificial Intelligence is present in smart assistants such as Siri and Alexa. It provides musical and visual entertainment recommendations for Spotify and Netflix based on previous user interactions.
  • Drugs and equipment testing at healthcare and medical institutes are carried out with AI. It has also allowed more efficient product manufacturing processes.
  • Artificial intelligence is prominent in cybersecurity where it can detect suspicious activity and potential threats.

Although it has been growing in recent years, it looks set to continue to do so in 2023. Adobe statistics indicate that 31% of new enterprises are going to adopt AI this year, with 72% of business leaders claiming it as a corporate advantage.

AI’s capacity to personalize user experiences will be part of a program of further improvements with smartphones and PCs to savor such features later in the year.

As an increasing number of businesses are taking the AI route, it is forecasted that artificial revenue will grow to 126 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.


Utilized in industries involving masses of sensitive data and classified information, blockchain technology can help protect it. The fast-growing technology has now become applicable in industries such as finance, insurance, and healthcare, whereby access to an organization’s data is protected.

It is becoming a strong mobile development trend where the technology allows users more control over their data through decentralized applications. This is significant in the development of apps in:

  • security,
  • governance,
  • identity,
  • finance,
  • and social areas.

More than 70 million cryptocurrency users of blockchain wallets were recorded by the end of March 2021. Thereby influencing blockchain’s future as an ever-increasing mainstream technology.


Although there has been more than an indication of 5G’s rise as an application development trend, this mobile technology is set to continue its upward trend in 2023 as its widespread application advances. Research by Statista predicts that 69% of shipped smartphones will be 5G-enabled by 2023.

The Fifth-generation mobile technology network offers:

  • better speed,
  • network capacity,
  • reliability,
  • data security,
  • and low latency.

The global rise of this technology reinforces its projected growth - in Europe alone it is expected that 5G users are expected to increase to around 40 percent of all connections.

Software development companies can take advantage of the rise in 5G customers and increased coverage. This year, as more organizations battle it out in the highly competitive enterprise software development market, enabling your software app or platform to take full benefit of 5G features will be imperative.

5g technologies

According to ‘The State of 5G Deployments’, published by Viavi Solutions in 2021, 5G is available in 61 different countries already. However, several more countries currently in the development stage of 5G are set to follow.

The strength of the 5G network in terms of high-class speed and reliability will no doubt have an incredible impact on the global economy in terms of efficiency and productivity, not forgetting the dynamic between businesses and customers.

The real benefit for businesses will be more convenient and seamless data sharing and transfer processes across the globe as well as speedier connections with greater end-user stability and quality.

Internet of Things (IoT)

This ecosystem of web-enabled smart devices is prevalent in society today. Examples include smart homes, cities, and fitness wearable devices.

Industry efficiency and productivity are increasing thanks to smart devices and equipment.  More insight and streamlined operations can be accomplished by applications using IoT devices to observe operations within a strong, stable, and secure infrastructure.

IoT technologies will continue to be made use of in enterprise software development, with more user-friendly and feature enhancements. Businesses are able to make better decisions based on collected and analyzed real-time data, digitize their processes, take into account key indicators and automate their processes using an IoT platform.

2023 will see industries such as healthcare, retail, transport, and logistics grasp software app trends in client service and business management. By 2025, IoT revenue is estimated to reach 754 billion U.S. dollars in revenue, thereby radically changing the technology landscape.

IIoT market size 2022

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a great revolution that has completely transformed the way organizations operate. As a necessity for businesses around the world, it has removed physical data centers and servers from the picture. It has attracted more and more companies through its flexibility, data security, cost-effectiveness, productive collaboration, and scaling ability. The 3 Ps: Productiveness, profitability, and progressiveness have contributed towards its adoption and greater demand, making it an integral part of the business. Cloud computing is not going anywhere any time soon and it is predicted that more businesses will take up cloud computing services.

Three of the biggest names in cloud computing services are Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure.

With cloud computing services, you have access to on-demand shared computing resources, such as applications, processing power, and storage (via the internet). 3 main clouds are available depending on your company size: public, private, and hybrid. The public cloud is owned and operated by a third party and allows customers to rent and share the same cloud with other companies. Private clouds allow customization in order to meet your specific needs.


This year more organizations will embrace newer technologies. You can only expand your knowledge, protect your organization from risks and take advantage of opportunities in 2023 if you know what to expect.

Enterprise software solutions are no longer an option for companies and with the spending forecast for 2023 at 672 billion U.S. dollars, their widespread adoption is clearly visible. As an important part of business in today’s digital world, it is vital to stay up to date with emerging technology and innovations. Some of these innovations represent technical capabilities that can enable you to compete, while others provide business-oriented capabilities to stay ahead of the competition.

Companies that refuse to adopt enterprise-level software will fail to achieve a competitive advantage. It is very difficult to stay relevant in a highly competitive market unless you start planning a strategy for choosing the right enterprise solution for your business.

By staying informed with the latest enterprise application development trends and knowing how to leverage them, you can steer your business towards enterprise-wide operational excellence.

Trends in enterprise web application development can only help prepare you for success. By planning for these trends and adopting them, you are thinking ahead and creating a long-term agenda for sustainable business growth.

These solutions have to meet all customer requirements before taking the business up a step further on the ladder. The key objective is the optimization of business processes as well as time and costs as well increased corporate profits.  Once all requirements have been met only then can you take the final step and implement these trends strategically.


  1. What is enterprise application technology?

    An enterprise application is a software system platform that runs all enterprise operations created to operate in a corporate environment (government or business) to encourage collaboration and coordination throughout the company.

  2. What is the difference between web applications and enterprise applications?

    Web apps are accessed online with a web browser. Most web applications are multipurpose programs. When enterprise apps are substantial software, instead of focusing on a person, it addresses the needs of the whole business. Both aim to assist users in doing the activity without difficulty.

  3. Which language is used for enterprise applications?

    JavaScript is a popular choice, many organisations widely use it for enterprise-scale application development.

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