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Top Penetration Testing Companies for 2024

Ihor Sasovets
Lead Security Engineer at TechMagic, experienced SDET engineer. Eager about security and web penetration testing.
Top Penetration Testing Companies for 2024

In the realm of cybersecurity, the choice of a penetration testing company is a pivotal decision for organizations seeking to fortify their digital defenses.

With a myriad of penetration testing companies vying for attention, the onus lies on discerning decision-makers to identify the best penetration testing services that align with their organizational needs. The significance of this decision cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts an organization's ability to identify and rectify critical vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them.

What Is A Penetration Test?

Penetration tests are a security testing method that determines vulnerability, threat, or risk in a network or systems. During vulnerability scans, a security researcher will seek to identify known vulnerabilities, and penetration tests are intended to exploit weaknesses in cyber security including organization risk, threats, vulnerabilities, and potential business impacts. It focuses on weakness detection and response capabilities.

Why You Need Independent Security Testing

Security audits are available for companies. Not everyone has their internal security staff, although they can benefit from fresh eyes. Routine penetration testing can be a valuable tool for evaluating vulnerabilities and helping you identify the risks of a vulnerability.

Companies loosing money due to cybercrimes worldwide

Top Pentesting Companies Worldwide In 2024

Let's compare the best penetration testing providers.



  • Comprehensive Application Security Testing
  • In-depth Security Testing Services
  • Dependency Scanning
  • Configuration Verifications
  • Training in Application Security Best Practices

Main Focus: TechMagic, a software product development company, stands out for its expertise in penetration testing and comprehensive application security testing. The team is dedicated to assessing and fortifying web and mobile applications at every stage of the software development lifecycle. Through in-depth security testing, dependency scanning, and configuration verifications, TechMagic helps organizations identify and address vulnerabilities to enhance their overall security posture.

  • Training in the Latest Application Security Testing Best Practices

TechMagic goes beyond traditional security services by offering training to empower staff with the latest application security testing best practices. By choosing TechMagic, organizations not only receive top-tier security testing but also benefit from the knowledge and skills of engineers who actively participate in global cybersecurity competitions.

This approach ensures that clients gain more than just security testing – they gain a partnership with a company committed to continual improvement and knowledge sharing in the realm of cybersecurity.

Other Services:

  • Web and mobile development
  • UI/UX design
  • Cloud services
  • Test automation
  • CTOaaS

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  • Endpoint protection
  • Threat intelligence
  • Incident response

Main focus: CrowdStrike specializes in cloud-delivered endpoint protection and intelligence to safeguard against cyber threats.

Other services:

  • Threat hunting
  • Security and IT hygiene assessments



  • Managed security services
  • Security consulting
  • Threat intelligence

Main focus: Secureworks is a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions, offering managed security services to help organizations detect and respond to threats effectively.

Other services:

  • Incident response
  • Vulnerability management



  • Vulnerability management
  • Incident detection and response
  • Application security

Main focus: Rapid7 focuses on providing comprehensive security solutions, including vulnerability management and incident detection, to help organizations enhance their overall security posture.

Other services:

  • Penetration testing
  • Security awareness training



  • Web application security testing
  • Network security scanning
  • Vulnerability management

Main focus: Acunetix specializes in web application security testing, offering tools and services to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in web applications.

Other services:

  • Network security assessments



  • Penetration testing
  • Red teaming
  • Security training

Main focus: Trellix is known for its expertise in penetration testing and red teaming exercises, helping organizations proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities.

Other services:

  • Incident response consulting
  • Security posture assessments

Offensive Security/Advantio


  • Penetration testing
  • Training and certification (e.g., OSCP)
  • Security consulting

Main focus: Offensive Security is renowned for its hands-on training programs, including the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) certification, and offers penetration testing and security consulting services.

Other services:

  • Exploit development
  • Social engineering assessments



  • Web application security testing
  • Vulnerability management
  • Compliance scanning

Main focus: Invicti specializes in web application security testing and vulnerability management, providing solutions to ensure the security and compliance of online applications.

Other services:

  • Mobile application security testing

Cipher Security LLC


  • Penetration testing
  • Security assessments
  • Threat intelligence

Main focus: Cipher Security LLC focuses on delivering penetration testing and security assessments, along with providing actionable threat intelligence to enhance organizations' security defenses.

Other services:

  • Incident response
  • Security training



  • Penetration testing as a service
  • Application security testing
  • Vulnerability management

Main focus: Cobalt offers a modern approach to penetration testing as a service, combining technology and a global talent pool to deliver continuous security testing for organizations.

Other services:

  • Compliance testing
  • Bug bounty programs



  • Red teaming
  • Penetration testing
  • Incident response

Main focus: Underdefense specializes in red teaming and penetration testing services, helping organizations assess and improve their security posture through simulated cyberattacks.

Other services:

  • Security awareness training
  • Threat hunting

How to Find 5 Best Pen Testing Companies in the USA

Cyber attacks have become a major concern for companies everywhere. Among those measures are performing pen tests of your digital assets to identify and repair vulnerabilities.

This requires finding a good pen tester who guides you through the process and provides useful reports for improving security posture within an organization. Ultimately, the difficulty of finding the right pen tester is finding an expert with the right certification and experience.

Top penetration testing companies from Clutch


TechMagic can be the best penetration testing firm for you if you're obliged to stay compliant with strict regulations and compliances, SOC2 certifications, etc. The reason is it's not just a penetration testing firm. Security technical engineers provide pentesting, simulate real-world attacks.


  • Comprehensive Application Security Testing
  • In-depth Security Testing
  • Dependency Scanning

Main Focus:

TechMagic specializes in penetration testing and comprehensive application security testing, helping organizations identify and address vulnerabilities in web and mobile applications.

Other Services:

  • Training in Application Security Best Practices

Penetration testing for Coach Solutions web application

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White Knight Labs


  • Penetration Testing
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Incident Response

Main Focus: White Knight Labs focuses on providing penetration testing services, threat intelligence, and incident response to enhance the cybersecurity posture of organizations.

Other Services:

  • Security Consulting

Ebryx Tech


  • Embedded Security
  • IoT Security
  • Blockchain Security

Main Focus: Ebryx Tech specializes in embedded security, IoT security, and blockchain security, offering solutions to secure connected devices and blockchain implementations.

Other Services:

  • Threat Modeling

TPx Communications


  • Managed Security
  • Cloud Communications
  • Network Services

Main Focus: TPx Communications focuses on providing managed security solutions, cloud communications, and network services to support the IT infrastructure of organizations.

Other Services:

  • Unified Communications



  • Cybersecurity Consulting
  • Risk Management
  • Compliance Services

Main Focus: Sikich specializes in cybersecurity consulting, risk management, and compliance services, helping organizations navigate and address cybersecurity challenges.

Other Services:

  • Business Advisory



  • Managed Security Services
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Incident Response

Main Focus: CyberDuo is known for its managed security services, providing endpoint protection and incident response to safeguard organizations against cyber threats.

Other Services:

  • Security Awareness Training



  • Penetration Testing
  • Security Audits
  • Incident Response

Main Focus: Sekurno specializes in penetration testing, security audits, and incident response, offering comprehensive cybersecurity services to organizations.

Other Services:

  • Security Consulting

Bit by Bit Computer Consultants


  • Cybersecurity Assessments
  • Managed IT Services
  • Data Protection

Main Focus: Bit by Bit Computer Consultants focuses on providing cybersecurity assessments, managed IT services, and data protection solutions to organizations.

Other Services:

  • Cloud Solutions

Suntel Analytics


  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Security Analytics
  • Digital Forensics

Main Focus: Suntel Analytics specializes in cyber threat intelligence, security analytics, and digital forensics, providing insights and solutions to counteract evolving cyber threats.

Other Services:

  • Incident Response

RSK Cyber Security


  • Penetration Testing
  • Cyber Security Training
  • Threat Intelligence

Main Focus: RSK Cyber Security specializes in penetration testing, cyber security training, and threat intelligence to help organizations build robust defenses against cyber threats.

Other Services:

  • Security Awareness Programs

Service offering to look for in a Penetration Testing company

A Complete Guide to Web Application Penetration Testing: Techniques, Methods, and Tools

Selecting the right penetration testing (pen testing) company is crucial for ensuring the security of your organization's systems and data. Here are key service offerings to look for when evaluating a penetration testing company:

Comprehensive Penetration Testing Services:

  • External Testing: Assess the security of external-facing systems, such as web applications and networks, to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by external attackers.
  • Internal Testing: Evaluate the security posture from within the organization's network, identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities that an insider threat might exploit.
  • Web Application Testing: Assess the security of web applications, including authentication mechanisms, input validation, and potential vulnerabilities in the application code.

Mobile Application Testing:

Assess the security of mobile applications on various platforms (iOS, Android) to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers targeting mobile devices.

Network Infrastructure Testing:

Evaluate the security of the organization's network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls, to identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Wireless Security Testing:

Assess the security of wireless networks to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by unauthorized users or attackers attempting to compromise the wireless infrastructure.

Social Engineering Testing:

Simulate social engineering attacks, such as phishing campaigns, to test the organization's resilience to manipulation and to identify potential weaknesses in employee awareness and training.

Physical Security Testing:

Evaluate the physical security controls in place, including access controls, surveillance systems, and security policies, to identify vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized physical access.

Vulnerability Assessment:

Conduct regular vulnerability assessments to identify and prioritize potential security vulnerabilities within the organization's systems and applications.

Incident Response Testing:

Test the organization's incident response capabilities by simulating real-world attack scenarios, helping to identify areas for improvement in the response process.

Reporting and Documentation:

Provide clear and detailed reports outlining the identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and recommended remediation steps. A good penetration testing company should offer actionable insights and prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity.

Compliance Expertise:

Ensure that the penetration testing company is familiar with relevant industry regulations and standards, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR, and can help assess and improve compliance with these requirements.

Experienced and Certified Professionals:

Verify that the penetration testing team consists of experienced and certified professionals with expertise in various domains of cybersecurity. Common certifications include Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

Customized Testing Scenarios:

Tailor the penetration testing scenarios to the specific needs and risks of your organization, considering the industry, business processes, and technology stack.

Follow-Up Support:

Offer post-testing support, including guidance on remediation efforts, consultation on security best practices, and assistance in implementing security measures.

Cloud penetration testing

Cloud penetration testing focuses on identifying and assessing vulnerabilities within cloud computing environments, including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS) components. The goal is to evaluate the security of cloud-based systems, configurations, and data, ensuring robust protection against potential cyber threats.

When selecting a penetration testing company, it's essential to choose a partner that not only identifies vulnerabilities but also provides actionable recommendations and support for improving your overall security posture. Additionally, transparency, communication, and a collaborative approach are key factors in a successful penetration testing engagement.

Types of pen testing services security companies offer

Penetration testing companies offer various types of testing services to assess and strengthen the security of an organization's systems and infrastructure. Here's a brief overview of some common types of penetration testing:

Black Box Penetration Testing:

Description: Testers have no prior knowledge of the target system. It simulates an external attacker's perspective.

Focus: Assess external-facing systems, identify vulnerabilities, and attempt to exploit them without internal knowledge.

White Box Penetration Testing:

Description: Testers have full knowledge of the target system, including architecture, source code, and infrastructure details.

Focus: Assess internal security controls, application code, and overall system architecture from an insider's perspective.

Gray Box Penetration Testing:

Description: Testers have partial knowledge of the target system, often simulating the perspective of a user or an authenticated insider.

Focus: Evaluate security controls and vulnerabilities from a semi-internal standpoint, combining elements of both black box and white box testing.

External Penetration Testing:

Description: Assess the security of external-facing systems, such as web applications, networks, and services.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities that external attackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access.

Internal Penetration Testing:

Description: Evaluate the security of internal network infrastructure, servers, and systems.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an insider or a compromised system within the organization.

Web Application Testing:

Description: Assess the security of web applications, including authentication mechanisms, input validation, and potential vulnerabilities in the application code.

Focus: Identify and exploit vulnerabilities specific to web applications, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure direct object references.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing:

Description: Evaluate the security of mobile applications on platforms like iOS and Android.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities in mobile apps, including insecure data storage, insufficient authentication, and insecure communication channels.

Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing:

Description: Evaluate the security of the organization's network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and firewalls.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could be exploited to compromise the network.

Wireless Security Penetration Testing:

Description: Assess the security of wireless networks, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by unauthorized users or attackers attempting to compromise the wireless infrastructure.

Social Engineering Penetration Testing:

Description: Simulate social engineering attacks, such as phishing, to assess the organization's resilience to manipulation and identify weaknesses in employee awareness.

Physical Security Testing:

Description: Evaluate physical security controls, such as access controls and surveillance systems.

Focus: Identify vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized physical access to facilities or sensitive areas.

Each type of penetration testing serves a specific purpose and helps organizations address different aspects of their overall security posture. The choice of testing type depends on the organization's goals, the nature of its infrastructure, and the specific risks it faces.

The importance of choosing the right pentesting vendor

Penetration testing, often referred to as pen testing, is an indispensable component of comprehensive security testing. It involves simulated offensive security testing to assess the resilience of an organization's systems against various cyber threats.

The best penetration testing firms go beyond surface-level assessments, delving deep into different components such as web applications, internal networks, and user access to uncover vulnerabilities that may elude traditional security measures.

While a plethora of penetration testing providers exists, selecting a boutique penetration testing company can offer a tailored approach to security. Boutique firms often provide a more personalized experience, adapting their pen testing services to the unique needs and nuances of the organization.

This personalized touch can be instrumental in identifying and mitigating specific threats that might slip through the cracks in a one-size-fits-all approach.

Organizational risk is an ever-present concern in the digital landscape, and penetration tests play a pivotal role in mitigating such risks. By conducting thorough assessments, pen testers can uncover exploitable vulnerabilities that, if left unaddressed, could lead to devastating consequences. The top penetration testing companies not only identify these issues but also provide actionable insights to fix vulnerabilities effectively.

In today's dynamic threat landscape, web application vulnerabilities are a prime target for attackers. The best penetration testing firms excel in scrutinizing web apps, ensuring that potential avenues for exploitation are promptly sealed. This proactive approach is crucial for maintaining the integrity of an organization's digital assets.

Moreover, the importance of penetration tests extends beyond the digital realm. Physical attacks, though less common, must not be overlooked. By simulating real-world scenarios, penetration testing services can evaluate an organization's resilience against both digital and physical threats, offering a holistic security assessment.

In conclusion, the decision to engage with a penetration testing company should not be taken lightly. It is an investment in the proactive defense of an organization's digital infrastructure.

Opting for the best penetration testing services ensures that critical vulnerabilities are unearthed, providing executive leadership with the insights needed to fortify the organization against evolving cyber threats. In the intricate dance between security and adversaries, the right pen testing partner is a strategic ally in maintaining a robust defense posture.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Penetration Testing Vendors

What is the difference between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing?

Vulnerability scanning involves automated tools that identify and rank potential vulnerabilities. Penetration testing, on the other hand, employs simulated attacks to exploit vulnerabilities, providing a more comprehensive assessment of an organization's security posture.

How often should an organization conduct penetration tests?

The frequency of penetration tests depends on various factors, including the organization's industry, regulatory requirements, and the pace of system changes. Generally, annual tests are a baseline, but more frequent testing may be necessary in rapidly evolving environments.

What credentials or certifications should a reputable penetration testing company possess?

Look for companies with certified professionals such as Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professionals (OSCP), or Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP). Additionally, organizations should comply with industry standards like ISO 27001.

How does a penetration testing company ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information during testing?

Reputable penetration testing companies prioritize the confidentiality of client information. They typically sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and implement strict access controls. It's crucial to discuss confidentiality measures with the chosen company before engaging in any testing.

Can a penetration testing company provide remediation assistance after identifying vulnerabilities?

Many penetration testing companies offer post-test support, including detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities and recommendations for remediation. Some firms go further by providing assistance or consulting services to help organizations address and fix the identified security issues.

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Ross Kurhanskyi
Head of partner engagement