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Node.js vs Java: What to Choose in 2024?

Oleksandr Hutsulyak
Team Lead & Senior Front-End Engineer at TechMagic. Member of Solution Architecture Group. Passionate about JavaScript and AWS.
Node.js vs Java: What to Choose in 2024?

Who wins the Node.js vs JavaScript battle? Let’s find out about the difference in development using Java and Node.js!

What is more relevant for app development today — Node.js or Java? Is there a big gap between them? What about Node.js vs. Java differences? When to use Node js vs Java? Let’s take an in-depth look into the main characteristics and purposes of these two languages.

In this blog post, we'll explore these questions and provide the information you need to make an informed decision on Nodejs vs Java in programming.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a JavaScript code execution environment. It is based on Chrome V8 — a JavaScript engine that translates JavaScript calls into machine code. This is the difference between Node.js and JavaScript — the first is a running environment for the language called JavaScript.

Node.js appeared in 2009 when American developer Ryan Dahl created the Node.js platform. While the developers vastly exploited the principle of “one thread for each connection,” the new platform created by Dahl focused on events. The primary purpose of the system was to build scalable network servers.

Advantages of using Node.js

Node.js has become a stand-alone command-line tool that excels in building fast and scalable applications. It offers many advantages that make it an attractive choice for businesses and developers alike.

In this section, we'll explore some of the advantages of Node.js development services.

Fast performance

Node.js is built on Google's V8 JavaScript engine, which is incredibly fast and efficient. This makes Node.js an excellent choice for applications that require real-time data processing or handling large amounts of data if we are weight up between Java vs Nodejs.

Lightweight system for creating applications

Another advantage of Node.js is its lightweight nature, making it ideal for creating lightweight applications. This can be especially beneficial for mobile applications or web applications that need to be optimized for speed and performance.

Node Package Manager (npm)

Node.js comes with a built-in package manager, npm, the world's largest package registry. Developers can quickly install and search for packages, making it easy to add functionality to their applications without writing code from scratch.

Wide variety of available libraries

There are around 836,000 libraries available for Node.js projects, and almost 10,000 new libraries are launched weekly. This provides developers with a vast array of tools and resources that they can use to build robust, scalable applications quickly.

No need for binary model conversion

Node.js uses a single-threaded event loop, meaning it doesn't need to convert between binary models. This makes it incredibly efficient and faster than other technologies that require this conversion.

Scalable backend technology

Node.js is a scalable backend development services technology with a lightweight framework, making it ideal for building applications that handle large amounts of traffic. Also, Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model for managing large amounts of data and real-time applications with ease.

Constant technology development

Node.js is a constantly evolving technology, with new updates and features regularly added. For example, TypeScript is currently being developed, making it easier for developers to write scalable, maintainable code.

What is a better way to use Node.js?

This programming language has a vast range of uses. It is difficult to imagine a fast multi-user real-time data scenario without Node.js. Since both the front and backend can be created using Java, developers may use Node.js for both. Below we’ve listed several main areas where you may need Node.js development services:

  • Collectors and translators;
  • Batch processing and deferred processing scenarios;
  • Scripts, CLI (command-line interfaces);
  • Document generation delayed report generation;
  • Web Applications and SPA Servers;
  • Servers and APIs for mobile applications;
  • Message Servers and Event Broadcasting (Chats, Games, Interactive);
  • Patches on already prepared systems, written in other source languages;
  • Window applications (nw.js, Node-WebKit);
  • Crawlers, parsers, and data collection;
  • Microcontroller programming;
  • Industrial automation;
  • CMS, content publishing;
  • Mass e-commerce and trade.

Some top applications in their respective fields have either been created with Node.js or switched to it.


Netflix uses Node.js to offer a speedy, lightweight, and modular application. Using Node.js, Netflix claims to have lowered app load times by roughly 70%.


Over 200 countries and 675 million people make up LinkedIn. The business social networking platform uses a server-side mobile app for Node.js. Compared to Ruby on Rails, Node.js offers superior speed, lower memory use, and quick processing capabilities.


Uber is a global leader in on-demand ride-hailing, operating in over 900 cities and over 85 countries. Uber was the first business to use Node.js to develop its extensive matching system. Using backend technologies, Uber improved app performance, data processing, and operational effectiveness.


Java was first used in the creation of PayPal. However, NodeJS was chosen to power it since it enables users to transact quickly and easily. In addition, to Java vs Node js for backend technology, Node.js provides comprehensive support in 200 markets and over 100 currencies.

What is Java?

Java is a strictly typified and object-oriented programming language. It was created in 1991 by Sun Microsystems engineers Patrick Naughton and James Gosling. At the time, this language was called Oak. Now, it’s the world’s most influential and widely used computer language.

Java is designed to be platform-independent, meaning it can run on any device or operating system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.

Java is also known for its "write once, run anywhere" (WORA) philosophy, meaning that code written in Java can be compiled into bytecode that can be run on any platform with a JVM installed.

One of the core features of Java is its strong emphasis on object-oriented programming (OOP). Java also supports features such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which make it easy to build complex, modular applications.

Advantages of using Java

node js vs java

Java is a high-level programming language that excels at solving general problems of any type. Even though there are more and more technologies appearing, Java development services still has several benefits to outrun the competitors:

Object-oriented programming

Java is an object-oriented programming language, representing code is organized into objects that can be easily reused and extended. This makes it easy to develop complex, modular applications and saves time and effort in the long run.


Code written in Java can be compiled into bytecode that can be run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. This makes developing and deploying applications easy without worrying about the underlying hardware or operating system.

Security features

Java has built-in security features, such as the Security Manager, that allow developers to specify access rules and restrict access to sensitive resources. Java also does not support pointers, which helps prevent memory errors and other security issues.

Automatic memory management

Java has a special system called the garbage collector that automatically manages memory, finding and deleting objects that are no longer in use. This eliminates the need for manual memory management, which can be a source of bugs and other issues.


Multiple threads can run simultaneously without affecting each other. Compared to Node vs Java, it allows for more efficient use of system resources and can improve application performance.

What is a better way to use Java?

With all its positive features, Java is widely used. At the same time, it is almost invisible in use. Comparing Nodejs vs Java, we define some areas where you can use Java:

  • Android applications
  • Server applications in financial services
  • Web applications
  • Software tools
  • Trading applications
  • J2ME applications
  • Embedded systems
  • Big Data
  • High-frequency trading spaces
  • Scientific applications

Which companies use Java?

One of the most well-liked programming languages among the various backend technologies continues to be Java. Some well-known apps created with Java are listed below:


Twitter's microblogging features are well-known. Java is used in the social networking platform's development. To create Android apps and streamline usage and activities, Twitter has used Java.


One of the top music streaming platform apps is Spotify. Users can stream music from any artists, tracks, or albums thanks to the firm. This well-known platform makes use of several languages, including Java. The development process is greatly streamlined and simplified thanks to Java.

Mini Opera

Due to its rapid information retrieval capabilities, Opera Mini is one of the most popular Java programs. Even with a sluggish Internet connection, the application's small weight enables users to access the Internet more quickly. To improve user experience, it compresses unneeded visuals.

Key differences between Node.js and Java

Below is a comparative table of Node.js vs. Java to demonstrate their distinctions more clearly.

difference between nodejs vs java

Astonishing, isn’t it? So let’s dig a little deeper into Nodejs vs Java performance.

Java vs Node js performance

According to a report by Hackernoon, PayPal and Netflix reduced their startup times from more than 40+ minutes to under a minute after integrating Node.js. Also, it belongs to lightning-fast speed - Node.js can cut loading times by 50%-60%, resulting in incredible improvements in performance.

Node.js' event-driven architecture guarantees effective multitasking, which improves an application's speed. Furthermore, NodeJS makes use of the V8 Javascript engine. It works quickly and efficiently.

Given Nodejs vs Java, Node.js provides apps with better performance. The environment created by Node.js's asynchronous and non-blocking inheritance is perfect for carrying out the little operations without interfering with the application's main thread.

Node.js is capable of multitasking when it comes to performance. Additionally, because it was created using the fastest JavaScript engine on the market, it doesn't affect the server's speed. It can also manage the flow of massive amounts of data.

According to the report on Java vs Node js performance, the test clearly shows that Java is quicker. Because Java is statically typed, it can be built more quickly, with fewer mistakes, and with higher precision for specific systems. Additionally, Java's Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler works with the JVM to increase performance. Because of the rigid restrictions on writing and error handling, Java's predictable and robust workflow is especially useful for performance management, even with complex applications.

Comparing Node.js vs Java performance, Java delivers better and faster performance since it is written as byte codes. The virtual machines translate the byte-code instructions to provide effective operations. A just-in-time compiler has also been added to Java to provide high-performance application features.

Java employs compilers, which makes it slower than native languages. Additionally, even though its trash collection function might be beneficial in some circumstances, it takes up a lot of memory. Contrarily, Node.js-based apps never buffer, allowing for speedier runtime and chunked data output.

Future of Java vs. Node.js

Node.js, with its growing popularity and flexibility, is expected to continue to expand its reach in the web and mobile application development world. Its ability to handle real-time data, scale easily, and work efficiently with various devices and platforms makes it a valuable tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.

On the other hand, Java, with its established and robust ecosystem, is set to continue its strong presence in the enterprise space. Java has a long history of reliable performance, strong community support, and a vast array of libraries and tools that make it an attractive choice for building large-scale, complex applications.

So yes, both Node.js and Java are evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of developers and businesses. Node.js continuously introduces new features, such as improved security, faster performance, and better compatibility with other programming languages. Meanwhile, Java embraces modern development practices, such as cloud computing and microservices architecture, to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.


At the end of our comparison of the two programming languages — Node.js and Java, we can note that each has advantages and disadvantages.

Java is an older, universal language, but at the same time, it is more complicated than Node.js. Regarding Node js performance vs Java, we can say that not high performance of single-threaded Node.js is compensated by speed and lightness.

Node.js tends to do better overall than Java when it comes to speed, thanks to its absence of buffering and distinctive code execution, according to benchmarks comparing the two languages. Comparing Java vs Nodejs, two of them have built-in scalability capabilities. Node.js APIs often change compared to Java's more stringent stability mechanisms. Vulnerabilities follow a similar pattern, and Java was designed with stronger security in mind.

Great communities, distinctive libraries, and resources for beginners and experts are present in both technologies. The benefits and drawbacks of each programming language, Node js vs Ruby on Rails point to its applicability for real-time applications, streaming, Android apps, large data projects, and online shopping. Java performs best in online applications, scientific software, trading software, and e-commerce.

As a software product development company, TechMagic offers high-quality services for building different types of applications using Java or Node.js. Get a quote to find out what you need Java vs Node.js by our experts.

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  1. Why is Node.js better than Java?

    Node js uses an asynchronous event-driven I/O mechanism and does not have the Java runtime environment overhead, making it faster than Java. The wide ecosystem of modules and frameworks enables the creation of web apps faster and more efficiently.

  2. Is Node JS easy to learn for developers?

    Node JS has many tutorials and a large community that assist developers in learning that programming language.

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