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Design Thinking and Lean UX: TechMagic Experience

Sviatoslav Nytka
UI/UX Designer at TechMagic with a passion for visually stunning interfaces. Proven speaker. Guided by creativity, empathy, and data-driven design.
Design Thinking and Lean UX: TechMagic Experience

Design is an essential process for creating products that meet users' needs. It is a problem-solving method involving research, iteration, and prototyping. Design frameworks provide a structured approach to design process.

According to a study by McKinsey & Company, companies that prioritize design outperform their peers by a significant margin. Specifically, design-driven companies in the top quartile of McKinsey's Design Index, which measures the design practices of hundreds of companies, had 32% higher revenue growth and 56% higher returns to shareholders than those in the bottom quartile. This highlights the importance of user-centered design approaches like Design Thinking and Lean UX in today's competitive market.

Design Thinking and Lean UX are two popular approaches to user-centered design that we actively employ in our projects that have gained widespread adoption in recent years. Both aim to create user-friendly, functional, and visually appealing products and services that meet users' needs but differ in their methods and philosophies.

Providing UX/UI design services, we have worked with both Design Thinking and Lean UX methodologies, and we've seen firsthand the benefits and drawbacks of each. In this blog post, we will share our experience with both approaches and help you understand which best suits your next design project.

Design Thinking: What Is It?

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving. It involves empathizing with users, defining the problem, ideating potential solutions, prototyping, and testing. We often use it in the early stages of product development to ensure the product meets user needs.

Design thinking methodology helps businesses:

  • gain a deep understanding of their customer's needs and provide solutions that address them
  • encourage design teams to adopt a human-centered design approach, which puts the user at the center of the product development process.
  • allow businesses to create products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing
  • differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a strong brand identity
  • reduce the risk of product failure by testing and iterating on prototypes before launching the final product

Design Thinking model process consists of five stages:

Design Thinking software development process
  1. Empathize - designers seek to understand the user's needs and motivations by observing and engaging with them
  2. Define - use the insights gained in the Empathize stage to define the problem they are trying to solve
  3. Ideate -  brainstorm and generate a wide range of possible solutions to the defined problem
  4. Prototype - create low-fidelity prototypes of the most promising solutions
  5. Test - test the prototypes with users to get feedback and refine the design

One of the examples of successful projects that have used Design Thinking is Airbnb. It successfully transformed the travel industry by identifying and addressing the needs of travelers seeking more personalized and authentic experiences. Through user research and prototyping, the company developed a platform connecting travelers with unique accommodations and experiences that meet their preferences.

So let's get down to it and discover the major advantages and disadvantages of Design Thinking.

Pros and Cons of Design Thinking

Design Thinking benefits:

  • Empathy-driven approach: Design Thinking puts a strong emphasis on understanding the user's needs and empathizing with their experiences, resulting in products that are more user-friendly and meet their needs.
  • Creativity: Design Thinking innovation encourages creativity and teams to generate a wide range of ideas and explore alternative solutions.
  • Scalable: It can be applied to various industries, making it a versatile design-thinking tool for businesses of all sizes and types.
  • Data-driven: It relies on quantitative and qualitative data and user feedback that are the basis for the next iterations to make more objective and measurable design decisions.

Design Thinking drawbacks:

  • Engagement: Design thinking requires the involvement of stakeholders and other team members, and access to end users is also desirable, so it is quite long and difficult to organize workshops and other activities
  • Time-consuming: Design Thinking can be a time-consuming process that requires significant investment in user research and ideation, which can be a challenge for businesses with tight deadlines.

Who may benefit from Design Thinking?

Businesses with more complex projects that want to create user-centered products that prioritize empathy, creativity, and innovation, thoroughly understanding their customers' needs, might benefit from Design Thinking. It's particularly useful for businesses in the creative and design industries and those in the technology and software sectors.

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Lean UX: What Is It?

Lean UX is a user-focused design approach that emphasizes the importance of experimentation iteration, rapid prototyping, and feedback. It is based on the lean startup methodology and is focused on quickly validating assumptions and reducing waste. Lean UX aims to create a product that meets user needs efficiently and with minimal resources.

But what is the difference between traditional UX design and Lean UX?

Traditional UX design often involves a lengthy research and design process, focusing on creating a detailed design document before any development work begins. Lean UX, on the other hand, values speed and iteration over detailed documentation. It involves creating a minimum viable product (MVP) and testing it with users to validate assumptions and iterate on the design quickly.

Lean UX can be applied to any product UX/UI design process; it enables businesses to:

  • get user feedback as early as possible, even before a product is fully developed
  • minimize product development waste, making it ideal for businesses that want to create products quickly and efficiently
  • test out ideas and concepts in a lean, agile manner, which allows businesses to avoid costly mistakes that can result in lost time and money and identify problems
  • make changes quickly and easily reverse them if they don't work, allowing for a more iterative and responsive design process

One of the key Lean UX principles is collaboration. The approach emphasises the importance of cross-functional teams working together to achieve a common goal. Designers, developers, product managers, and other stakeholders should work closely together throughout the product development process. Its focus on collaboration and constant iteration makes it well-suited to projects with limited time or resources. This collaborative approach also helps to break down silos and encourages a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

Lean UX process can be broken down into several stages - think, make, and check.

Lean UX definition process
  1. The first stage is to define the problem from market research, competitive analysis, and observing product usage. Based on these insights, they identify a problem statement and determine which areas of the product need improvement.
  2. Next, the team creates and tests hypotheses using quick, low-fidelity prototypes of the new feature or design. With the prototype ready, the team conducts tests using various methods such as UX surveys, A/B, and usability testing. It helps to analyze the results and gather customer feedback to determine if the new design solves the problem or improves the customer experience.
  3. Based on user feedback, the team iterates quickly and refines the design until a final product is created.
  4. The team works in a highly collaborative environment throughout this process, with constant feedback and communication, and improves design based on it.

As for the use cases of Lean UX design, it is Dropbox, the popular file hosting service. It used Lean UX to improve its onboarding process. By creating a simple visual interface that helped users understand how to use the product, Dropbox increased its sign-up rate by 60%. Read more about how to improve the user experience of software with HEART framework.

While Design Thinking and Lean UX approaches share a user-centered focus, they differ in their approach to problem-solving and user research. Here are some pros and cons of Lean UX and some guidance on which businesses might benefit from this approach.

Pros And Cons of Lean UX

Lean UX benefits:

  • Efficiency: Lean UX emphasizes a fast-paced, iterative approach that allows teams to identify and address design problems quickly, resulting in faster time-to-market.
  • Data-driven: It relies on quantitative data and user feedback to make design decisions, making it a more objective and measurable approach.
  • Scalable: Like Design Thinking, Lean UX can be applied to various industries, making it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes and types.

Lean UX drawbacks:

  • Lack of creativity: Lean UX's focus on efficiency and speed can sometimes result in a lack of creativity and innovation.
  • Limited user research: Lean UX adopts the same user research and testing principles as traditional UX but with a "quick and dirty" approach to deliver results. The focus is on raw data rather than meticulously documented outputs, which allows for a more efficient process. The data after research is often not very structured, and sometimes the documentation on them is far behind.
  • Narrow focus: The data-driven approach of Lean UX may result in a narrow focus on metrics and analytics, which may not consider the user's emotional or psychological needs.

Who may benefit from Lean UX?

Businesses that want to rapidly test and iterate their designs based on user feedback and data might benefit from Lean UX. It's particularly useful for startups and small businesses with limited time and resources that must move quickly to stay ahead of the competition.

Design Thinking and Lean UX are not mutually exclusive. Many companies combine both approaches to create a well-rounded product development process. By incorporating Design Thinking's emphasis on empathy and user research with Lean UX's focus on experimentation and rapid feedback, businesses can create products that are both user-centric and efficient to develop. However, it's important to balance the two approaches and not sacrifice thorough research and understanding of user needs for speed.

Best Practices of Using Lean UX and Design Thinking

We gathered some best practices based on my experience that proved its efficiency to keep in mind when using Design Thinking or Lean UX.

  • Start with user research: Design Thinking and Lean UX emphasize the importance of understanding user needs. This means starting with user research to gain insights into users' goals, behaviors, and pain points.
  • Embrace collaboration: Design is a collaborative process, and both frameworks emphasize the importance of cross-functional teams. Make sure to involve stakeholders from different departments and disciplines in the design process to ensure a holistic and effective approach. Also, when choosing between Design Thinking and Lean UX, consider your team's size. Design Thinking requires a larger team with diverse skill sets, involving multiple research, ideation, and prototyping stages. On the other hand, Lean UX can be implemented with a smaller team, as it focuses on rapid experimentation and iteration.
  • Test early and often: Both frameworks emphasize the importance of testing ideas with users early and often. This allows teams to identify and address problems before they become costly or time-consuming.
  • Iterate and refine: Design is an iterative process, and both frameworks emphasize the importance of frequent iteration and refinement. Use feedback from users and stakeholders to refine your designs and ensure they meet user needs.
  • Keep the end goal in mind: Prioritize user needs and feedback throughout the design process. By staying focused on user needs and testing ideas with users early and often, teams can create designs that meet user needs and drive business success. Ensure your designs align with business goals and objectives and can help drive business success.
Design Thinking Lean UX

Our Experience

As a software product development company, TechMagic has always been loyal to design thinking and lean UX approaches. Design is not just about creating a pretty picture but a complex approach where decisions are based on research and user needs.

From our experience, both design thinking and lean UX are valuable design frameworks that have their place in product development. As a software development company, we always choose the approach that fits our client's project's needs and resources. Having experience with these approaches, we can help you decide which approach to use for your next project.

We also prioritize communication and collaboration with our clients. We believe that open and transparent communication is key to a successful project, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that their vision is realized in the final product. Our team is always available to answer questions and provide updates throughout development.

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Summing up

Regardless of the chosen framework, the most important thing is to approach design as a process, with user needs and feedback at the centre. By using a design framework, you can create designs that are not only visually appealing but also distinguish you from competitors and draws users to your side.

We encourage you to consider implementing a design framework in their projects and to approach design as a collaborative and iterative process. By doing so, they can create designs that meet user needs and drive business success.


  1. What is one of the tools associated with design thinking?

    The design sprint is one of the most popular tools associated with design thinking.

  2. What is the role of design thinking in business?

    Design thinking can help businesses create products and services that meet user needs efficiently and with minimal resources.

  3. How is lean UX different from traditional UX?

    Lean UX values speed and iteration over detailed documentation, whereas traditional UX often involves a lengthy research and design process.

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